I Believe in Contra: Here’s Why You Should, Too

Abdul Samad
2 min readJul 8, 2021

It’s no secret anymore: Independent work is the future of the global workforce, even if half of the world doesn’t know it yet.

As more people than ever turn to freelance platforms to further develop their passions and — more importantly — attempt to make a living doing so, many of us face a new dilemma. With so many options for finding work, where the heck do we even start?

It’s a question I had myself when I began freelancing for the first time. With no real understanding of what I truly wanted in a platform, I tried modeling my journey after other independents who’d found success. As such, I turned to Fiverr: A tried-and-true starting block for thousands of independents.

It was a great first step, granting me a chance to develop my skills and wrap my head around the world of independent work. But, after about a year on the platform, I began to feel burnt out. I was eager for something new, for a platform that felt like it actually had the best interests of independents in mind.

Then I stumbled across Contra.

From the get-go, I could tell this was a platform that genuinely cared about its mission. Not only was it built by independents for independents, but it also had the features, tools, and resources to support such a vision. Yes, the fact that it’s commission-free is fantastic, but I was drawn in by so much more than that. From Contra’s incredible TikTok page to its Slack community filled with thousands of independents, I immediately felt a sense of connection I hadn’t felt at all since I started freelancing.

Being brought on as one of Contra’s May Writing Ambassadors only confirmed this thought, as I was able to see firsthand how committed the team was to making their corner of the internet a place to connect — not disconnect. That is what I love most about the platform.

As more people transition to independent work, I believe platforms like Contra will garner the most attention. Now that we’re away from conventional offices and coworking spaces, we’re missing those small moments of interaction that foster a sense of community. Fortunately, it’s clear that bringing independents together is one of Contra’s top priorities. It’s what made me so excited to join, and I have no doubt it’ll be what intrigues thousands of other independents in the future.



Abdul Samad

Copy writer, Translator + Data Entry